Rewai Street : World War II diaries - 1945

World War II diary : Image 49 of 63

Image of Rewai Street : World War II diary, 1945 1945

  • Title Rewai Street : World War II diary, 1945
  • Creator Rewai Tomlin Street
  • Date 1945
  • Image 49 of 63
  • Source Private collection
  • Collection Name Diaries
  • Collection Description The 1945 diary entries begin in April and end in November, and cover Rewai Street's return to New Zealand and his family.
  • Parent Collection Rewai Street : World War II letters, diaries and photographs
  • Parent Collection Description A collection of letters, diaries and photographs from Rewai Street, who served in the New Zealand forces in World War II.
  • Collection Location Private collection
  • File Reference CCL-StreetR-Diary-1945-049

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This material has been digitised by Christchurch City Libraries.