Rewai Street : World War II diaries - 1942

World War II diary : Image 64 of 108

Image of Rewai Street : World War II diary, 1942 1942

  • Title Rewai Street : World War II diary, 1942
  • Creator Rewai Tomlin Street
  • Date 1942
  • Image 64 of 108
  • Source Private collection
  • Collection Name Diaries
  • Collection Description The diary begins on 7 December 1941 and ends on 5 December 1942. The diary covers service in Egypt, including trips to Syria and Libya, and the Alamein attack in October. The entries for 1941 are in the December section of the diary.
  • Parent Collection Rewai Street : World War II letters, diaries and photographs
  • Parent Collection Description A collection of letters, diaries and photographs from Rewai Street, who served in the New Zealand forces in World War II.
  • Collection Location Private collection
  • File Reference CCL-StreetR-Diary-1942-064

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This material has been digitised by Christchurch City Libraries.