Diary, October 1865 to November 1866

Diary : Image 63 of 69

Image of Diary, October 1865 to November 1866 1865-1866

  • Title Diary, October 1865 to November 1866
  • Creator Joseph Munnings
  • Date 1865-1866
  • Image 63 of 69
  • Physical Description 38 x 22 cm
  • Collection Name Diaries, 1862-1866
  • Parent Collection Diaries, 1862-1866
  • Parent Collection Description Joseph Munnings arrived in Lyttelton in 1859 on board the Zealandia. He worked as a farm labourer, carter, and storekeeper. Referring to his diaries as logbooks, he wrote about the weather, his work, leisure time and social activities. Joseph married Emma Brown on 25 July 1866. In 1878 he established a successful jam manufacturing business. He was one of the founders of St Barnabas Anglican Church in Fendalton.
  • Collection Location ANZC Archives
  • File Reference CCL-Arch971-03-063

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This material has been digitised from the Archives and Manuscripts collection of Christchurch City Libraries.