
Christchurch City Council Cemeteries Database

Content of database

This database covers interments in the Christchurch City Council cemeteries and does not include privately owned cemeteries such as St Peter’s, Upper Riccarton, or the Avonside Anglican Cemetery. Tombstone transcripts for Christchurch cemeteries not covered by this database are held in the Aotearoa New Zealand Centre, Central Library.

Note records from the Banks Peninsula area are now included.

Not all Barbadoes Street Cemetery records are included in this database, but the microfilm records can be viewed in the Aotearoa New Zealand Centre, Central Library.

Search tips

Searching on a name will retrieve all names that contain that string of characters e.g. a first name search on "dan" will return daniel, danielle, jordan, verdan, etc

Names are not case sensitive: searching on robert is the same as Robert or ROBERT.

Date range: to limit your search to one year, enter the year in both boxes.

Style and format

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A service of the Christchurch City Council, Christchurch, New Zealand.